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Bakasana Challenge



Bakasana Challenge Video.  

Hi folks I have made for you a class to warm up your wrists and hips to head towards this very empowering hand balance.  Which, depending on your level can lead to buja pidasana.  tripod headstand, twisted bakasana , titibasana.  or just get you closer to feeling stronger in your core  and safer on your hands.  This video watching everyday and warming up and slowly moving towards YOUR goal.


How do you get started? Do you live in Nederland?

1. Pay the tikkie for  click here for 5 euro discount   until July 13 . Otherwise you can pay via paypal.

2. Then send me an email. with a screenshot of your payment.  Yoga@leahkline.com and I will send you the online link which will allow you to watch for  2 weeks   ( if you need more time just let me know).

3.  if you prefer to reverse the order.  email me and get the payment link.  also fine.

stay healthy, stay safe and keep in touch.

namaste ,


Category: Tag:


Starting with Bakasana is more than enough to work on.  But should you be the adventurous type. Here are the poses that can grow out of achieving Bakasana.  They are addressed at the end of the video and are fun options for those who feel ready.

Additional information

Yoga challenges

"yoga", "Challenge", "Bakasana"

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