Hi! Leah here, i just whipped out a video to get you started.
I have recorded a 30 minute lesson for you. to talk simply about the hands, the arms and the how to kick up properly with some alignment cues. and for beginners how to use a chair to get yourself started. check out the gallery photos all the different ways people work on it.
more advanced I have some training advice to get you strong.
Join me on social media to be accountable and share every day your handstand practice how it is and how it grows. baby steps or big jumps. @leahklineyoga
the secret is “consistency”!! and baby steps.
Are you up for the challenge?
This is a super low key video is recorded from my Home for you to also follow at home.
What you are paying for is not only the video but you sending me your video so you can get support.
As often as you like, the low key video is just to show you it’s all okay, however you do it. I erase your practice videos, I do not use them except in the moment to give you helpful next steps. So why not!!
simple, low key, and fun.
sign up.
pay the tikkie and click on the link to register
Sign up today. start tomorrow!
Answer the questions and I will approve you within 24 hours or less!!
you have 15 days to complete your challenge!!